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Hey lovely!
We're launching something brand new!
Are you or one of your besties expecting? 
Maybe your little one has a new playmate on the way?


This one is for you!
Launching in June, Baby Gaga Bumps is an exclusive membership for expecting parents. Your place to feel supported, heard, informed, and most of yourself, by joining a community of lovely people.
It's proven that friendships made at antenatal classes or in a similar environment are not only unique but are also an invaluable source of support a parent-to-be's mental health before and after the arrival of your little one.

Your membership will include:
- Access to a private members' forum
- Coffee & cake at every meet-up 
- Access to our exclusive meet-ups with special guests
- Special gifts and discounts
- Baby first aid course
- Exclusive 15% discount off all Baby Gaga Boutique stock
- Antenatal support

Keep In Touch!

Thank you lovely!

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